We then watched 'in the company of wolves', directed by Neil Jordan who also directed 'Interview with the Vampire.

I could see Ollie's intention for screening this to us as it deals very much with the telling of the Lycanthrope fable in several different ways and as a teaching tool in how to use symbolism in a story but I found it to be a bit dated and.. well.. boring to be honest for my taste. I say dated, because the film showed its age in it's use of special effects which wern't that convincing sometimes and really worked to break the sense of disbelief in parts. I'm thinking of the film's special effects in terms of films that came out at similar times such as 'The Thing' which still has special effects that put the CGI of today's cinema to shame. Also, the acting in numerous sections of 'The company of wolves' was just terrible, making it difficult to maintain interest.
Anyway, onto day 2.
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