Sunday, 13 April 2008

Illustration Module Blog

So, as the title of the blog has doubtlessly informed you, this is the blog I'm using to record my work in my Illustration optional module class doodad.

So, I hope reading it is a nice experience for you Ollie (Olly? Oily? Oy-Ee? Its a short name but there are a couple of ways to spell it so.. I'm stumped for now with that one -.-") as I'm trying to forgo handing in physical sketchbooks and maybe you won't find this such a smooth transition into the world of paper-less journal presentation. Or maybe you will, maybe you're actually very experienced with this. Regardless, here it is, so... go for it.

I'll start by posting up some of the stuff we've done in the few lessons we've had so far, after I describe the brief in general.

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